My Money History
Posted by I Hope , Sunday, August 31, 2014 7:39 AM
I've never been good with money. It slips out of my hand faster than water can dry after I wash them. I wasn't taught about money and as a matter of fact I grew up poor....
My first bout with debt was in college. I can't remember how many credit cards I had, but I really drowing in debt. It wasn't a conscious decision back then, but right now I do not own a credit card and I probably never will again!
So my 20s were riddled with paying off those pesky sharks.
My junior year in college I got a letter in the mail.....
I didn't have enough financial aid to cover the cost of my college expenses. I was terrified, but the letter stated that I could talk to the financial aid people. So off to the office I went and the guy simply said, you can get a loan. I didn't know anything about student loans, but I knew that I NEEDED to finish college. If I didn't I would end up with more food stamps--which, btw, my mom sent me while I was in college because she didn't have money to send me. So I signed the dotted line to the tune of $17,000 for my junior and senior year.
I graduated and got a job, but I was in debt. Credit cards and student loans.
Then I bought a car.
I was so excited!!
Now that I look back on it I was so naive.
$30,000 in debt at age 23.
My plan was always to go to graduate school. But, I was in debt working as a teacher. So, without thinking I got another student loan. $35,000. I was still paying on my car loan and my credit cards, but I accumulated more debt.
Because I was drowing in so much debt and not managing my money correctly, I had several collection accounts.
Finally, I started thinking.....this debt is not a good thing, but I didn't know how to manage my money so I couldn't get out. I tried on my own to learn and I did a budget and talked to a credit counseling, but nothing was clicking. Now here I am years later taking financial peace university and it makes sense.
God has blessed me with a job making about $70,000 a year and because He has blessed me with this, I have to manage what He has given me. So off I go....
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