I Was Warned

Posted by I Hope , Monday, September 1, 2014 9:53 AM

This budget thing is a challenge. I'm in month two of doing a zero-based budget. August was a fail. I was either over or under. The problem is I get paid on the 13 and the 28 so my months overlap. I can't quite seem to get it to line up right. So I started again for September and since my take home income is approximately $4000 a month, I decided to just do 25% for each category.


Charity is everything I give to the church and other people.

Living includes my rent, utilities, food, anything that is a necessity,etc.

Debt is anyone I owe and

Personal is more of the wants and things that fluctuate such gas, work expenses, restaurants, etc.

Hopefully this will help me with my budget.

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