4 Paychecks Left
Posted by I Hope , Tuesday, November 4, 2014 10:34 AM
Unless I have a surprise coming soon, I have only 4 paychecks left in this year. And the problem with that is I have a $2000 tuition bill that I HAVE to pay. So that means $500 per paycheck. God, I NEED some help, please?! I wanted to go to Ohio to hang out with my sis and fam for Christimas, but i'm forcasting that I would be home alone in my empty apartment. I have no furniture. I am looking for a nice L-shaped glass top desk that I might be getting soon because I NEED it for work, but other than that, I have no furniture. Only a miracle would get me some before the end of the year. My paychecks should total:Nov 13=$1800
Nov 28=$1700
Dec 13=$2000
Dec 28=$1800
And from each month I have the following expenses
Car Ins=$100
And that doesn't add in gas, food, etc. So, it's gonna be tight. I know I can pay all my bills with one check and have plenty left over, but food and gas take up a lot and I also give an offerring at church that's not included in my tithes. God, I need help!!
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