Posted by I Hope , Thursday, November 27, 2014 5:57 PM

Since I've had to move, my budget has taken a hit, but I need to GET BACK ON TRACK! It's Black Friday season and I'm in need of a new bed, so I'm gonna buy one, but only for $180. It's not the one I want, but price overrides right now.

I'm getting back on track....

I Found My Sofa

Posted by I Hope , Friday, November 7, 2014 7:28 PM

When I moved, I gave away my sofa and my dining room set and a whole lotta other stuff. It's just stuff, right? I can always buy something new.

It was a for a good cause.

I wasn't really in the market for a new sofa. I mean, I really don't need one...especially since I don't have company very often, but then a friend asked if I she could stay the night when she is in town. now I need a sofa.

I went sofa shopping.

The one I like was about $500, but then I saw one for $300 and one for $400 and I've finally made my decision:

This is my new sofa:

It's $300 and if I want the love seat to go with it, it's $588, but I don't want the love seat...just the sofa. And I think I'm gonna get this ottoman. It's only $100 bucks and it's my favorite color:

Free Rotisserie

Posted by I Hope , Wednesday, November 5, 2014 6:39 PM

Who doesn't like something FREE?! I got a flyer in the mail from Sams Club. They said I get a free rotisserie chicken. I got excited and headed to get my FREE dinner. I understand marketing and I know that they sent it to me to get me into the store so that I could buy something. After all, who goes to the store just to get one thing? Plus, if you are getting something FREE that means you have money to buy something else too. And that was my plan. I was going to get two rotisserie chicken. It would be like I'm paying half price for each and those things will be dinner for me for almost two weeks. What a deal, right??


Because the Sams Club in my city doesn't sell rotisserie chicken. HUH????


What sense does that make?

Now I have to troll for a Sams Club to find a FREE chicken. I'm beginning to rethink this whole FREE deal. Maybe I just need to get on a phone and call around to find a location that has them. There has got to be an 800 number for this.

4 Paychecks Left

Posted by I Hope , Tuesday, November 4, 2014 10:34 AM

Unless I have a surprise coming soon, I have only 4 paychecks left in this year. And the problem with that is I have a $2000 tuition bill that I HAVE to pay. So that means $500 per paycheck. God, I NEED some help, please?! I wanted to go to Ohio to hang out with my sis and fam for Christimas, but i'm forcasting that I would be home alone in my empty apartment. I have no furniture. I am looking for a nice L-shaped glass top desk that I might be getting soon because I NEED it for work, but other than that, I have no furniture. Only a miracle would get me some before the end of the year. My paychecks should total:

Nov 13=$1800
Nov 28=$1700
Dec 13=$2000
Dec 28=$1800

And from each month I have the following expenses

Car Ins=$100


And that doesn't add in gas, food, etc. So, it's gonna be tight. I know I can pay all my bills with one check and have plenty left over, but food and gas take up a lot and I also give an offerring at church that's not included in my tithes. God, I need help!!