Annual Credit Report

Posted by I Hope , Thursday, February 26, 2015 9:18 AM

It's that time of the year again....checking my annual credit report.

I signed up for Identity Theft Protection last year and found out that since there are 3 bureaus (major bureaus) I should only check one report every 4 months to avoid having to pay for it. So I just check Experian.

I thank God for going through what I went through. It's amazing that I'm saying that right now, but if I ever have children, I want to be able to teach them. No one taught me, that's for sure.

 So my report summary: I owe the city of Springfield $10.

Yes, that's from an unpaid parking ticket from when I was homeless. Long story...on another blog, but I need to pay that. The other derogatory information on my 18 page report have to do with when I was laid off and homeless.

There are 6 accounts. Actually only 4, but because I had 2 student loans they list them separately (and together, so it looks like 3 different accounts) even thought they both are from the federal government. The others include 1 doctors bill that I paid off in Oct 2013, that unpaid $10 parking ticket which I'm going to pay tomorrow, and the $1500 I paid off in 2014 from being evicted. I'll check Equifax and Trans Union later in the year.

I desperately want to buy a home, but apparently not desparately enough because I just spend $100 on a vanity for my bedroom.

This year, I am going to make deep enrodes into paying off my student loan because I can pay at least $500 a month. I'm going to send them another payment tomorrow, so that will total about $500 this month.

I've been trolling home purchasing websites and thinking about how much I actually want to pay for a home. I thinkn $50-$60K would be ideal for me. I want a two bedroom with a basement and garage, but I'll take a 3 bedroom if there is no basement. But, I WANT a garage. I also want a small yard. Nothing too big that I have to spend hours mowing. Small enough for a small garden that's about it. And my garden would probably be a raised bed because I don't want to have to dig. I can't wait!!! 

Thank God for health and financial stability.

Take a Little Breath

Posted by I Hope , Friday, February 13, 2015 3:40 PM

I was surprised when I got my tax refund early. I was expecting it to be here at the end of this month, but it was about 10 days early. Thank God!!

I was able to pay my past tuition bill and even pay part of my vow.

I feel like I can breathe a little. I mean, I wish I had all of the money to pay ahead on my bills and pay down my debt, but it still feels good to be able to pay my stuff. I even went and paid on a debt that had been written off. It was a medical debt from 2011 when I didn't have health insurance. The bill was $425. I paid $150 and will pay the rest in the coming weeks.

Now I have about $1500 left. I NEED to pay this on my student loan, but having a little bit of money to hold on to for a while feels good. I'm going to do what I can to pay off my debt, but this tax refund (the most I've ever had--$4700) offers me a little bit of time to breathe.

Thank God!!

Why I Can't Just Call Them

Posted by I Hope , Monday, February 9, 2015 7:21 PM

I've got a MAJOR problem with rejection. And it's causing me money problems. Well, not just money problems, but credit problems.

I just looked at my online account for school and it says that I have a collections charge for my bill.

WHAT does that mean? I'm going to pay the bill, I'm just waiting on my taxes and they will be here in a few weeks. Why do they have to send me to collections? I'm a student for heaven's sake. Dag.

I know, I know. I was supposed to set up a payment plan last year, but with the moving and then the church stuff, I just didn't and now I have anxiety about calling them.

Why do I do this to myself. Here I am, trying to be a responsible adult and I'm not being responsible at all because I don't like the situation. God help me change my personality, please.

This is more evidence of pride ruining my life. If I wasn't so prideful I would have called them along time ago.

Deliver me, please!!

What the Devil is This?

Posted by I Hope , Friday, February 6, 2015 1:00 PM

I made it up in my mind that since I'm single that marriage is not what God wants for me right now, so I don't want it either. If God doesn't want it for me then I don't want it for me and I came to terms with it because it was driving me crazy. So I just let go.

Valentines day is next week and I really want to buy my fav ring, but I'm in debt, so I've been toying with the idea of a new tattoo. I think it's time for one. I'm not losing hope, just putting that dream on the shelf until God decides that it is time for me.

So I was watching The Exes and it kind of sealed the deal. Holly had an engagement fall apart and a year later she realized that her venue was still booked, so she made it up in her mind that she was getting married no matter what. She met a man and a few weeks later she was engaged and on her way down the aisle, but because of the restritions in the relationship she broke it off which left her heart broken on her sofa eating cupcakes and drinking in a beautiful wedding gown.

A few days later she snaps out of it and declares that she is indeed getting married....TO HERSELF!!

I love it!!! I won't go that far, but I am making a vow to live my best life for Christ regardless if God sends a man my way. Thank God for freedom!!


Posted by I Hope , Tuesday, February 3, 2015 2:01 PM

I spent $20,000 and I hav no idea how?

What is wrong with me???

I just finished my taxes and it got me to thinking about where my money went. My gross wages total about $69,000 and this is what I can account for:

$15,000 Taxes
$4500    FICA
$15,000 Charity

That leaves $34,000 of money to spend on food, gas, living expenses, etc.

$4000 rent
$700   phone
$1500 school
$2100 student loan
$1500 gas
$800   work
$700   internet
$1200 car ins
$500   life ins
$1000 ira

All this totals about $14,000 which leaves $20,000 for food and miscellaneous stuff. I DID NOT eat $21,000 in food. Of course I went out of town a few times and bought a few baby gifts and gave my sister some money, but $20,000????

God help me!!!

So, I've decided that this year with my budget I'm tracked everything and my expenses should be as follows for the year:

$7000 rent
$1800 ameren
$700  phone
$500  internet
$3600 health ins
$800  car ins
$500  life insurance
$1000 gas
$300  work
$2000 ira

This totals about $20,000. That does not include food, school, and my student loan.

Let's see how this works out.

Tax Season

Posted by I Hope , Sunday, February 1, 2015 3:19 PM

There should be a great boost in the economy during tax time. This year I'm getting back about $4000 of the $11k I've paid so far. And it's going to pay last semester's tuition, part of my vow and some bills. I just have to figure out how to get my health insurance information onto my tax form. I also need to sign up for health insurance this year. Oh boy. I need dental insurance also. This should be fun.